Friday, February 24, 2012

Woo Hoo! Discipline!

So, I've been swamped for months and just haven't taken the time to blog, but I have wanted to!  I've thought about it--really I have.  But just didn't have the thoughts when I had the time to key, or didn't have time to write when I had the thoughts.  So is it in life sometimes.  But what if...WHAT IF I just applied some discipline to blog.  Not because I think I'm so sharp that you're sitting around your computer just hoping I'll post something, but because our lives and voices together make better music than my own ever can or will.  So with that, those who do take a moment out of your swamped down busy lives to scan this posting, please know that I love hearing your voice, as do others.  And sometimes we'll create a beautiful harmony of our thoughts, words and spirits, and other times it may seem like a stomp-dance concert.  All is good!

Much of the church globally observes 40 days before Easter known as Lent.  This is not a history of, an admonishment to, or a workshop on Lent, so take a sigh of relief.  Just some thoughts.  My family observes Lent and for us, we put just a little more effort and focus on spiritual reflection--asking God to look into our lives, which is a scary thing for me if I'm honest about it.  And many people I know also give up some luxury of the flesh, to go without something for a period in hopes that we might be able to further understand Christ's sufferings, and also to humble ourselves and reel in our excesive lifestyles.  Many give up caffeine or nicotene (and in a week or so you'll begin to notice who they are, so have patience and mercy, and learn to duck quickly from flying objects/words); some give up chocolate or buffets or carbs or TV or FB or something in hopes that they will commit that time and energy to the Lord. 

This year I am giving up all secular music, which I really enjoy.  So I'll be praying for you Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Collective Soul, Varucca Salt, Boston and Cheap Trick--I love you all!  But not only am I giving up listening to my fave's on those long weekly roadtrips and during my workouts, etc., but I am making a commitment to listen only to Christian music.  Yesterday on my way back from Tulsa I slipped in some old-school Vineyard worship from the Psalms and had CHURCH on northbound I-35!  There's something powerful about music that can move us into a deeper fellowship with God.

In addition, I have made a commitment to focus my devotional Bible reading on the Gospels and the Psalms.  For anyone interested, that's only about 4-5 Psalms each day and about 3-4 chapters from a Gospel book (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) each day until Easter.  My motto if you want to grow in your faith: Read the Red and pray for power!  You can also get a Bible app for your smart phone that will have both the text and audio of the Bible, so you can listen on the go.  I use You Version and apps on my android.
I have to admit that after only a couple of days into this I feel a renewed spirit within me, as I figured I would.  This morning, in devotion and preparation for my sermon this Sunday, I spent time in Psalm 51 and found some powerful dynamics at work in that passage.

I'll spare you the sermon notes, but hope you'll take a look at it to see how the Lord can work in us and through us if we'll simply humble ourselves and pray.  I've narrowed the chapter down to three basic things: Confessin', Forgivin' and Spirit-filled livin'!  Please forgive my OKabulary.  For believers, Psalm 51 also encourages us to live actively with the discipline of confession and repentance.  So who really says, Woo Hoo!  Give me more discipline!  But if you see what I see, you might discover that in this simple, but not-so-easy at times discipline, we have more reason to let out a big Woo Hoo!  Let me know what you think.  Let me know if you observe Lent and where you feel the presence of God at work in your life.

And if you're in the Wichita area and do not have a place where you can experience God with others, we'd love to have you with us any time.  Come and check out our new series, Psalms, Words from the Heart.

In His Grip,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Welcome to ConneXion!  And as of the time right now on Wednesday morning, we are only 18 days away from kick-off!

ConneXion is a new worship service at First United Methodist Church and will be a wonderful addition to the three we currently offer on Sundays: 8.30a is casual in the sanctuary; 10.55a traditional with choir, piano and pipe organ; NEXT, our emergent experience at 6p at Mead's Corner coffeehouse.  ConneXion will be at 9.30a in our gym and will be casual and contemporary.

I hope you will begin to talk it up with anyone you know who doesn't have a church home, or maybe those who have been away for a while and especially those who may have never heard of God's amazing love.  Everyone is welcome, no matter what age or background.  Our volunteer leadership team is comprised of a wonderful variety of people from as young as middle-schoolers all the way to some grandparents, and all ages in between.  We think this worship experience will be just right for many from 8 to 88!  So those who like drums and guitars, a laid-back yet exciting atmosphere, a place where you can encounter Christ and make new friends, this just might be worth checking out.

So why "ConneXion?"  We had several great suggestions and wonderful conversations about each of them.  But in the end, the majority liked ConneXion the best for several reasons:
Connect to new friends through fellowship and small groups;
Connect to God through many ways including worship, prayer, the Word, communion;
Connect your faith in Christ to the world we live in through challenging, relevant and biblical preaching;
Connect others to God through the ministries and service that God calls you to.
Why the "X" in ConneXion? Great question!  The "X" is the Greek letter for Christ, who is our reason and purpose for all we do.

We are still praying for more people to join our team and there are many ways you can help.  If you are interested in seeing how you might jump on board then get in touch with me soon.  I will look forward to visiting with you.  And if you're free on Thursday at noon, Sept 1st, come on downtown and join us in the gym for prayer as we continually invite and welcome the presence of the Holy Spirit, who brings Life. Downtown. not only to this new work, but to all our ministries.

Blessings, and I hope to hear from you soon!
Rev Todd

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Provision and Excitement

I have been hoping to find time to post progress a few times each week, if not daily.  However, things have been super busy and I actually should be doing something else while I'm writing this now.  It's kind of the "clean the baseboards" when you really have to study for a test kind of thing.  But there is much to share.

First of all, we officially have a name for the new service.  Many of you know what it is because you helped to name it.  We had some great suggestions and wonderful dialogue as we came to what we have.  The good news is that as far as I can tell, even the few who were not particularly fond of the name we collectively chose are totally on board with it now that the decision was made.  So what's the name for the new service?  Well, you'll have to wait.  I'll make another post very soon with the name and the graphic for it.  A great big thanks to First Church staff Erin Davis and Jeremy Fredin who put their time and talents into the graphic creation. 

We have been so blessed to have an energetic and growing team of leaders.  I won't name them all here, simply because I'm in such a scurry that I certainly would forget someone.  However, what was about 10 or so has now turned into dozens of people in all ages on board with the new service.  We've got leaders as young as middle school, a terrific number of high school and college kids, lots of folks in their 20's, 30's and 40's, and I think I'm most excited about a few grandma's and grandpa's who have shown up BIG TIME with support, prayers, and sleeves rolled up ready to help out however needed.

In addition to the growing number on our leadership team (and room for many more), we also have had a very generous donation from one of the most godly and generous men I've ever known.  He and his wife have been so good to our church in so many ways and we are truly blessed by their support and ministry.  Our team has so many wonderful ideas as we plan to reach out and minister to the community, but the truth is, to pull it all off we will need some funds for gear.  This is certainly not a plea for funds, but rather an invitation for you to pray for God's provision.  Who knows who God might lead to team up with us.  Here are a few of our needs and desires for you to consider: banners for the gym to help baffle sound, but also to provide beauty; lighting; pub tables to promote fellowship, plus just to have somewhere to set your coffee and visit; additional projectors. 

There is so much more to share, but this is all I have time for now.  But before I close, I would like to invite everyone and anyone available to join us for prayer in the gym on Thursday, Sept 1st at noon.  Bonnie Beuning has been so faithful in covering this work in prayer, as I know many others have.  But we would love to have others join us as we pray together.  If you cannot make it downtown to pray with us, please let me know that you are praying where you are.  It is so great to know who is out there praying for things to come together for the 18th, and praying for the souls in our area who will be touched by God's Spirit through this work.  All of this is truly about them.

Rev Todd

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Old Cars Make the Best Hot Rods

So just this afternoon I was having nachos and a great discussion with a close friend.  We got to talking about how there have been times in our lives when we felt more effective, powerful and energetic in our ministries.  And to be honest, with so much amazing young & talented ministers around, and many close by me daily, it's easy to second-guess one's effectiveness as gravity pulls at your youth.  Maybe you haven't witnessed it first-hand, but once in a while I catch a glimpse into our culture where youth seems to be exalted to the point that experience, maturity, wisdom and all else that age provides, seems to be pushed aside or treated lesser than.  Certainly this is not the case in all matters, thankfully.  But there is evidence that sometimes the younger are favored over the older--and I understand.  I really do.

The reality is that I just ain't as cool and hip as I once [perceived that I] was.  My son wants to go to a Saliva concert. He didn't think it was too funny when I said I bet they can't play worth spit.  I'm thinking we should get tix to Collective Soul or Tom Petty.  And who the heck is Saliva?  But I regress...

Back to the conversation today: In the context of our conversation I said I once felt like I was a real "Hot Rod" in ministry, meaning that there was excitement, transformed lives for Christ... LOTS of transformed lives.  There was energy and growth, both numerically and spiritually.  God was making leaders and ministry was rockin!  And now, I just don't have that same feeling at times.  Then it occurred to me: antiques make the best hot rods!  There was a car show in Wichita recently that attests to this statement.

Make no mistake about it--as I'm working to build a leadership team for our new service launch I will be seeking out young people to be on board.  I want them; I need them; WE need them and they need to use their gifts and I will do all I can to equip and empower them to be all they can for the King.  Even now we have several high school & college students on our team, and even a middle-schooler who is part of our tech team and he does an awesome job.  There's room for more on our team, young and old!

But for myself, and perhaps even some of you who may feel like you have lost your cutting edge, energy and usefullness, let me encourage you that God is not done with us yet!  Read up on it: youth may have been chosen and sometimes used mightily by the Lord, but in most cases, there was a seasoned adult God used to mentor, to guide, to empower and lead and that's when amazing things happened.  It was through an old man and woman that a nation was born.  It was the faithfulness of mature women who ministered and enabled powerful ministries to excel.

Check out 2 Kings 6,
1 The company of the prophets said to Elisha, “Look, the place where we meet with you is too small for us. 2 Let us go to the Jordan, where each of us can get a pole; and let us build a place there for us to meet.”
   And he said, “Go.”  3 Then one of them said, “Won’t you please come with your servants?”
   “I will,” Elisha replied. 4 And he went with them.    They went to the Jordan and began to cut down trees. 5 As one of them was cutting down a tree, the iron axhead fell into the water. “Oh no, my lord!” he cried out. “It was borrowed!”  6 The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float. 7 “Lift it out,” he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.
No matter who you are or how old, I believe that if you are willing, God is more than able to restore your cutting edge and use you to do amazing things for His glory.  So go ahead, wait upon the Lord, keep focused on Him, and do not disqualify yourself for any reason.  Mount up on those eagle's wings and soar for His glory!
In His Grip,